Restaurant Design Projects | Pub & Bar Design Ideas
Commercial interior design, coffee shop design, cafe designers, office designers, office design, university cafe design, cafeteria design, food branding, restaurant design, restaurant designers, branded environments
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Restaurant Design Projects

In the restaurant business, first impressions count! At Bedrock Design, we know the importance of creating a sense of ‘feeling’. It’s not one thing that creates an experience but a large amount of detail. Every project we receive gets the same amount of care and attention, whether you are a large chain or a one-off boutique. Because as the proverb goes, ‘mighty oaks from little acorns grow’. It’s even more important to get your Restaurant design correct if you dream of rolling out more in the future. Take a look at a few of our latest restaurant design projects below, then pick up the phone; we would love to hear from you – 01604 250002.